Friday, 4 November 2011

"I am a Pakistani"

How hard is it to say that when travelling?

It's very hard.

I asked an American friend whether she would like to visit South Asia, she said "yeah, but only as far as China =)".
I guess I didn't need to ask her why. =p

On a social networking site, a depressed user had asked public this question, "If you could take me somewhere, where would it be?"
A man answered their question thus: I would take you to my country (Pakistan) so you could die in peace-ES.

(I hope you get the irony =| )

It's shameful the way we portray ourselves to foreign natives. =( 

Second, There are "Bad Guys" everywhere. I mean, no nation is perfect.
One should try to picture the good side of people that come around. They have cared to visit your country, and how are you paying back?? Good hotels and years old red wine won't please tourists as much as warm gestures from their hosts would.

Whatever counts is that we are all children of Adam and Eve. We are equal. People, good and bad, should not mark the identity of a nation. Individual behavior is what counts. This is the only remedy against all prejudices.

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