Thursday, 17 November 2011

A Bend in the Road...

Although I knew it was coming, I hadn't really prepared for it.

The bend is "hostel life".

All my life, I've looked up to my parents for everything, any kind of help, decision, protection, suggestion, it at home or at the mall. from which-sheet-should-I-spread-today? to which-dress-should-I-buy?

And now even as I pack, I'm like "MOooomm!!Should I take this dress??"

I'm a disaster by myself: three packets of biscuits...finished if Mom's not home to stop me. Chocolate...gone too.

Sleeping hours, extended unlimited if Mom doesn't wake me up.
Washing my hair without oiling if Mom's not there to oil them.
Not being able to memorize a single word if my dad isn't there to help me.
Eating ALL the time.
Hating vegetables and mutton.
Eating chicken kebabs with rice mixed with loads of chaat-masalah...

Like everyone, I have my own weird habits...with only one difference: I can't overcome them.
Hell knows what I'm going to go through and how I am going to manage.

Most importantly, WHAT would have to go through ME to break me. =(

The Simple Omelette: Magic of the Egg!!

One day, I made an omelette. =D

I took an egg, beat it, added some milk, salt and LOTS of powdered red chili. I added some more milk until the batter was a little pink instead of the red it had become when I added LOTS of powdered red chili. =D

Then I finely chopped a cabbage leaf. I heated the frying pan that I had greased with olive oil (though you can also use butter), and let a drop of the batter fall in the pan to test if it simmered. When it did, I poured in the whole batter and seasoned it with the chopped cabbage.

I flipped it and cooked the other side. (actually I struggled with two spatulas to get the side turned =D )

I laid my omelette on my plate beside two toasted loafs of bread. I squeezed on one half of the round omelette some yummy mayonnaise in a zigzag.
On the same half, then I squeezed some mustard sauce (my favorite) in the same zigzag manner.

I covered this half with the other one, Now it looked like an Arabian-cuisine omelette. =P

I spilled some chili ketchup on the side of the plate. Then I cut a chunk of omelette with a fork and knife...mayonnaise and mustard oozed out the side; it certainly was an epic omelette.

The Yummiest Egg Sandwich!! =9

Once upon a time I was hungry. =(

I investigated the whole refrigerator for something edible....cabbage?tomatoes? Are you kidding me??Those aren't even edible. =D

Then the eggs, not any fun either. Where were all the chocolates and cookies? stomach growled. I looked at the eggs hopelessly and decided I must eat them today, with the yolk and everything.

So I boiled one for fifteen minutes.

As I stood in the kitchen doing nothing during that time, I got fidgety. Finally I decided that eggs and toast is a bit too colorless a combination.
I got the green cabbage, peeled out a beautiful leaf, and sliced it up.
Then the tomato, I sliced out three pretty red rounds to give another veggie-layer in my sandwich.

Then I realized my egg sandwich is colorful, but dorky. =/

To add something that would satisfy my taste buds, I cut up what was left of the last of cottage cheese in the fridge.

Yes! I scooped my hard boiled egg out of the steaming water and while I left it to stand in cold water for a few minutes, I toasted my bread.

Then I layered one loaf first with cabbage, then tomatoes, then cheese, and finally the sliced-up egg.
I was about to cover it with the other loaf of toasted bread, when I decided something was missing...

Oh, the mustard sauce!! I quickly squeezed some mustard sauce on my egg layer, and topped it off with a spoonful of olive oil.

FINALLY!! My egg sandwich was complete...I took a bite...and then I took another one...and another...the sandwich was truly delicious. =)

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Faking Smiles

When you don't feel like, you're forced to.

Like for pictures. =| 
"Smile!!" "Say CHEEEZZ...!!"

And sometimes, when you feel like...

"Hey mom, my friends throwing a party tomorrow!! I'm so exited!!"

...Nobody's ready to let you celebrate a little happiness that would make memories. Why??'Cause you have loads of homework to do. =/

So when you really feel like giving shiny smiles, they're like this:    =*)

And when you're faking them, they mostly come out like this:     =B
(you know, with the teeth showing and all)

P.S.:  I hate putting up fake smiles 'cause my muscles just can't stay in that position for long, and my face starts twitching like this:   =S

Friday, 4 November 2011

"I am a Pakistani"

How hard is it to say that when travelling?

It's very hard.

I asked an American friend whether she would like to visit South Asia, she said "yeah, but only as far as China =)".
I guess I didn't need to ask her why. =p

On a social networking site, a depressed user had asked public this question, "If you could take me somewhere, where would it be?"
A man answered their question thus: I would take you to my country (Pakistan) so you could die in peace-ES.

(I hope you get the irony =| )

It's shameful the way we portray ourselves to foreign natives. =( 

Second, There are "Bad Guys" everywhere. I mean, no nation is perfect.
One should try to picture the good side of people that come around. They have cared to visit your country, and how are you paying back?? Good hotels and years old red wine won't please tourists as much as warm gestures from their hosts would.

Whatever counts is that we are all children of Adam and Eve. We are equal. People, good and bad, should not mark the identity of a nation. Individual behavior is what counts. This is the only remedy against all prejudices.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Thought of Living Away from Home

Not less than a nightmare.

It's like being a fish and living in a bowlful of water. =(

Hostel means:-

Creaky beds.
Six girls sharing one bathroom
Your stuff getting stolen
Finding it from another girl's bag, or never finding it again
Substandard food. =((
Waking up early
Listening to the Aya's Punjabi swears
No air conditioner in the summers

In short...Heart wrenching tragedies. =( 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Imran Khan With a Chance...

Yes, like every other patriotic youth, I am with Imran Khan. =D

Sounds weird?? :s

How many times are we going to cast votes to worthless and patriotically dead people?
I think Imran Khan deserves a chance.

But I'm not quite sure whether he stands a chance. I mean, the "youth" like me and probably you (=D) aren't old  enough to vote. =((

That is SUPER SAD.

Moreover, unfair elections outdoes the former tragedy, lol. =|

Hmm...he sure looks disappointed in this picture. :/

Let's lift his spirits!! (like, HOW?)
Let's vote for him this time! He deserves to lead our nation 'cause we see transparency in his character, in his speech and in his idealism.

Let's vote for him this time.