Saturday, 24 March 2012

Teyni Saved Me

At university level, you can never judge your test paper to be good or bad. The moment I came out of the examination hall after giving in my "upper-limb-stage" answer sheet, I knew I'd done the best I could and now deciding the mercy was all up to dear God! Then, I'd forgotten all about it...

For one whole week, Aymi had been praying for the result to arrive. We'd all scream and wail when she'd say that, and everyone used to refuse to say "Amen". However, we all knew that the snake had to shed it's skin some day, and it finally it did last Wednesday. It was a nerd I overheard, whispering to her friend, and the word passed around in the Physiology lecture hall. By the time the whispers caught my ears, I was caught by Sir's vigilant eyes, shuffling about uncomfortably in my place, and was sent OUT OF THE CLASS. =D I obeyed his orders with a screwed face.

The humiliation of being sent OUT OF THE CLASS had blown my mind so, that I forgot all about the stage result. I appeased my fiery soul with some Japanese music. =(

It was when I saw the first years storm OUT OF THE CLASS to the Anatomy department, that I remembered I had once taken an "upper-limb-stage", and the whispers suddenly made a lot of sense. (dumb me :D) I joined the storm like another spec of dust uniting with the swirling wind.

Girls pushed and shoved one another. In the background, I stood still with an eyebrow raised: wow, these guys are really keen to know their marks. Nerds!
I looked to my right, r.a.k. had her fingers crossed at her heart, eyes shut, as Hania read out her marks. Suddenly they both screamed. "We both passed! Yay!" All around, I saw girls hug one another, some just turning away with a heavy heart. Both extremes depressed me.

Where did I stand?

I plucked courage to make my way through the suffocating crowd, as near to the notice board as I possibly could: the wild mob kept pushing me back like there was a ten-minutes sale about to start. :D

Where was my roll number? Where was it? Oh, it's right there. So they didn't miss me out, eh? I saw, slowly.
Two figures...that added up to...sixty-four...sixty-four?


Out of a total of two hundred, I had failed at sixty-four marks? Was that how bad my stage had been? I recalled my viva. Yes, it had been horrible. I had rightly argued over the course of a nerve with a grim-looking teacher, whose long, black moustache had evaded me. That's all I had been staring at throughout my viva. :D

So he'd failed me. Good revenge, I thought.
I decided that the day was extremely unlucky for me. With my face hung, I walked out of the Anatomy department, to walk into Aadi, who seemed happy.
"How's your result?" she asked.
"Don't ask, they've failed me at sixty-four." I was really upset. She hugged me.

Aadi's coaxing words had made me feel better. That was when Kamran passed by and reminded me of the result AGAIN. =/
"I failed. Sixty-four." I told him too. He shook his head in pity.

Teyni dragged me to the dissection hall. There, I had to confront more happy faces. It was when I shed a tear that Teyni knew I had expected much more of myself. She took me to the notice board, ensuring me I hadn't made the right calculations.

What EXACTLY could be wrong with simple addition? But Teyni knew. She knew because she is an angel. =)

"Sixty-four..." she read.
"There, I told you!" I exclaimed, but she read further.
" FIFTY-SIX!!!!" she suddenly squealed.
"What does that make?" I asked her coldly.
"It makes one hundred and twenty, you IDIOT!"

My eyes popped out of my head. I couldn't believe I had been dumb enough to ignore half of the result, and believed that I could actually fail like THAT. But then again, at university level, you can NEVER judge your test paper to be good or bad. =)

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