Saturday, 24 December 2011

My Crooked Back...

Back home at last after a tight ride. =)
Life is busy, busy, Most of my time goes in recognizing anterior and posterior aspects of bones (like any of you understood that =/ )

...The rest, well, goes in making myself comfortable on the hard, stubborn matress =0

I tried all sorts of crazy ideas to make it flexible. I made my fat friend jump on it, piled up my thick books for a whole day on it, tossed around on it at night...nothing worked, the crazy springs still bounce back into their initial position every morning when I wake up with a painful back. =/ So guys, with a heading of "conclusion", I got for you this example of IDEAL CASE OF ELASTICITY. =@

So I took many pictures of my medical college. I'm proud to tell you that this college contains the maximum number of untrimmed gardens in all of Pakistan's medical institutions. =)  (Now isn't that hilarious?)

The grass is so well-kept that no one is allowed to step on it, lest the long over-grown tufts may flatten down, which would be against our college's pride. =|

So you can reflect from this the height of dicipline our college follows. =)

Next time, I'll add "INSPIRATIONAL PICTURES" of almost-acceptable quality (ehehe) that I took in college. I'm not a photographer, but I've tried to portray a crumb of Faisalabad in the photos.

So, until next time... =)

P.S.: Merry Christmas =))

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