Saturday, 31 December 2011

Hostel (part I): In the Life of a Dead Girl

Okay now forget the shoe you people =|

...She was in a folk-red long maternity shirt paired with black pants. In shiny black heels and a high-pony, she looked the boldest of all girls present in the Great Hall that day. She was smiled at and complimented, yet looked at with jealous, elevator-eyes by some.

She was running around frantically one moment, and the other she sat calm and at peace. She had no idea what awaited her in the deadly woods of time and tide.

It was a perfect day...perfect indeed, until she had to be on her own in a huge room with a dozen other girls...and the story started thus:

The day was hot. I changed into a pink cotton shirt and tried to sleep right-away, which wasn't possible as my mattress was way too hard for my back to rest upon. =/

I had already said "hi" (just said "hi") to a girl in a black dupatta with fat, black spectacles. She sat beside her mother with her back hunched like me. I didn't like her much.

She moved to the corner of the room far, far away from my mattress. I rolled my eyes.

Then arrived another one-of-a-kind wonder. Her face I didn't even bother to see. Then came more such articles, all mingling to know one another. All except me. =(  I felt I was an odd addition to an already retarded crowd.

In the matter of a few days I started to get along with them well enough. That was my first victory at dumb socializing business without my parents' help. =P

Now, I decided to take a round of this years-old hostel. It used to be a boys' hostel till a decade back.
The front is candied by two perfectly placed palm trees. (One of the two palm trees is headless...but that's another story... :D )
The white-wash is peeling off like a hag's cloak. The bathing cubicles are molded with fungi and algae (the college principal had promised greenery everywhere in the college prospectus).

There are cats EVERYWHERE. One even posed for the picture:

I looked around in the corridors. Girls had decorated their rooms, painted their doors and cupboards with matching wallpapers and carpets. I was impressed to know that girls had dug deep in the world of art to escape from several frustrating hours of studying medicine.

The hostel that had repelled me at the first sight now started to create that slightest tinge of affinity for its small gardens, the enormous palm leaves etched against the full-moon, and under its silver light, a host of flowers dancing in the cool good-night breeze.

P.S.: I know you know I took this one in daylight =| 

What is Done in Vain, Truth is Hard to Swallow... ;p

Who pissed you off this year?? Dedicate this song to them!! =D Have fun and Happy New Year!!! *CHEERS*

Cheers 2012 =)

*As the midnight calls for the new year, groove to the beat of this song...*

Saturday, 24 December 2011

My Crooked Back...

Back home at last after a tight ride. =)
Life is busy, busy, Most of my time goes in recognizing anterior and posterior aspects of bones (like any of you understood that =/ )

...The rest, well, goes in making myself comfortable on the hard, stubborn matress =0

I tried all sorts of crazy ideas to make it flexible. I made my fat friend jump on it, piled up my thick books for a whole day on it, tossed around on it at night...nothing worked, the crazy springs still bounce back into their initial position every morning when I wake up with a painful back. =/ So guys, with a heading of "conclusion", I got for you this example of IDEAL CASE OF ELASTICITY. =@

So I took many pictures of my medical college. I'm proud to tell you that this college contains the maximum number of untrimmed gardens in all of Pakistan's medical institutions. =)  (Now isn't that hilarious?)

The grass is so well-kept that no one is allowed to step on it, lest the long over-grown tufts may flatten down, which would be against our college's pride. =|

So you can reflect from this the height of dicipline our college follows. =)

Next time, I'll add "INSPIRATIONAL PICTURES" of almost-acceptable quality (ehehe) that I took in college. I'm not a photographer, but I've tried to portray a crumb of Faisalabad in the photos.

So, until next time... =)

P.S.: Merry Christmas =))

SpongeBob Mixed with Music =p ...Dance to the Beat!

*Are you in a party mood? If you are, then this is THE song for you right now. Listen up and tap your feet to the rhythm* =)