Thursday, 20 October 2011

October Madness!!

Me and my sister are both going CRAZZZYYYY...because her exams "are in the air" =D and she doesn't want to study!! And I can't watch t.v. because it "disturbs" her.

So I decided to try some cookin' =p ...I pulled out an old magazine from the cupboard and checked out some recipes....hmmm....spicy chicken haandi??oh yum!! I got my dad to bring the ingredients after much struggle..a few hours later, the magazine was gone. =/  Oh my, my sister gets just a little too frustrated near the exams, and she knows how to get away after causing trouble. =s

So today as usual, my dad dropped my younger sisters/pests at school and my mother at her college. So it was just me and my older sister...

I turned on the t.v. and was just gonna settle myself in bed when my sister appeared from nowhere and jumped in before I could even be surprised =@

...I mean WHAT THE HELL????

Now, you know what I did?? I sat down right in front of her and started flipping the channels. =) 

*genius* right?? ;p

I started watching a boooring current affairs show, not a word of which I understood. My sister, as stubborn as me, watched it willfully. I flipped some more and stopped at a music channel that played horrible songs. I pretended to enjoy it.

A few minutes later there was another shot of load-shedding =/  *annoying*

When dad came home, my sister bugged her head in her books, and said, "See dad?I'm tryna study here, and she's got the t.v. on!" Dad turned me out of the room and switched the t.v. off too =(

I strayed off in the balance in my cell phone...I was upset.

And this is just the start of the day...Wonder what's coming up in the hours to come!!

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