Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Halloween Nightmare... o.0

Imran Khan??No. I personally think he did a pretty good job today, well, except for the funny jingles that they were playing from time to time. =D

Criss Angel??Well, he wears the perfect disaster hair everyday of his life. =p

LADY GAGA?? Oh, now you're talking!! =P

Are you finding good Halloween make-up? Well Lady Gaga is your ideal. Use her approach towards make-up to scare the crap out of people and win the trick or treat contest.

Today evening I had a good time carving my sister's face in the pumpkin. :D (in my dreams though)
I'm even gonna dress up like her =p

What are you gonna dress up like?


WHO are you gonna dress up like? (besides me =| ) =D

Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Way I Feel...

*let's try to understand, not misunderstand, learn to forgive and forget, listen and carefully listen again*

I was Born From a Boom-Box =P

I have never tried to dance. Never ever ever.

However, I can sing. It's something I was born with and something I will die with. (obviously dum-dum) =|
I sing in the bathroom, in the lounge, in bed, in class, everywhere.

So actually, somehow, I'm in the boom-box's womb. =D That's where the sound comes from, right?

When I dance, people get embarrassed. I get embarrassed. I move like a banana trying to be funny....

....but failing  =P

*I believe song-makers and singers are the ones who inspire dancers. It's us the dancers should thank.*

...And of course, the guy who invented the boom-box  =D

Thursday, 27 October 2011

So Who's Munchin' on Popcorn?

Now, I don't really care who is. I like popcorn with the cheese topping and coke with it.

Doesn't matter.

As a kid I hated popcorn. Doesn't matter either.

I remember myself wailing and shouting at Mom and Dad to get what I wanted. Not that I always got it. =D
Many a times I used to end up in the bathroom, slamming the door behind me, with angry tears in my eyes!

I used to get back at them by refusing all offerings.

In Homer Simpson's words, I acted like a merciless god. =D

Children like to get spoiled by their parents. All kids have the "I want, I want" syndrome and they deserve a little pampering, but not as much as to end up like this:



Okaayyyy, this is my childhood picture.

SO WHAT?? =|

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


what happened to day can be wound up in one word: nothing. =|

I really, truly wish I had a picture of my horrible face when I woke up in the morning to realize I was SUPPOSED to be in for some yoga...Losing weight would be awesome, but could that happen by mere magic would be awesom-er =D

So after some serious muscle-stretching and BONE-BREAKING, I was finally ready for breakfast...finally.

Hungry, no, really hungry =p I made some kebabs and got myself some bread. I was leaving the kitchen when I realized that hey....I think I should spice up my plate a bit, be a master chef. =D okay, kidding about the master chef part...
OKAY not kidding =/

Anyway, none of your business. =6

So I got some cabbage from the fridge and laid my kebabs on top of that, and topped them with mayonnaise (is that how u spell it?) and splotched some ketchup between them. =)

*creative* right??

Then I switched the t.v. on and hey...."Zombieland"?? Seriously? I already got three Zombie-sisters around the house, so enough...

Anyway, the point is, in the evening when I was taking a bath, my little sister Thunder-storm "dropped in" to join me. =D

YES, she made a mess. Shampoo all over the place, on the tiles, on the ceiling??? (I mean HOW)....In my eyes. =@

And that 'cause I can't CONTROL her. Kids just piss me off big time. And then she wanted to dance on the new rug in the lounge =/

Now she's asking for noodles. =@ OH, MOM WHEN WILL YOU COME HOME???I gotta go guys...I don't have a life of my own...=(  

*bursting into crocodile tears* =p

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Termite Attack =O

I was watching Master Chef Australia. The contestants had gone to New York for their next challenge. Watching them grab their trinkets from the judges, I was reminded of me and my sister's collected memorandums....I went and opened the cupboard....and AAAAGGHH!!!


I jumped a step back, EW! The sight was disgusting.
Irregular patterns of light brown mass jerking this way and that in HUMAN territory was both annoying and totally disappointing. And this was no ordinary cupboard...It had memories in form of pictures, souvenirs, and blah blah blah =P

It clicked me after some DUMB moments that I should get our stuff out of there immediately. The tourist guide book...The half digested photo album...The now-lamed wooden dragon...The cardboard covers...Mom's birthday card...

Oh well, I thought as I looked at the army of termite-kids helping their parents in destruction, they sure had a good time eating, drinking and making love, these termites. 

I bent forward to take a closer look...One of the termites looked up at me and GRINNED, exposing it's enzyme-filled disgusting everything =D.


I retreated back.

I opened the photo-album as Dad cleared up the termite mess. In the first picture half of my head was cut off =/

STUPID TERMITES. I slammed the album shut.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Why Hina Rabbani is the Foreign Minister of Pakistan =P

Pakistan is famous for its beautiful girls. Right?.....RIGHT????

 So when Hina Rabbani made her way to India, all eyes turned to her.

Looks speak louder than better relations between India and Pakistan are expected...blah blah bullcrap!!

Anyway....In a nutshell, Hina is the "Political Eye-Candy" =D

Today I was noticing how Hilary Clinton was shooting jealous glances towards Rabbani, probably thinking why she thought her anti-aging cream was working. Look at this:

Isn't it lucky I captured that?? Or mayyyybee I copied it from another site =p

So who do you think is prettier??

the Hot Hina

Old Grumpy Grandma


Thursday, 20 October 2011

October Madness!!

Me and my sister are both going CRAZZZYYYY...because her exams "are in the air" =D and she doesn't want to study!! And I can't watch t.v. because it "disturbs" her.

So I decided to try some cookin' =p ...I pulled out an old magazine from the cupboard and checked out some recipes....hmmm....spicy chicken haandi??oh yum!! I got my dad to bring the ingredients after much struggle..a few hours later, the magazine was gone. =/  Oh my, my sister gets just a little too frustrated near the exams, and she knows how to get away after causing trouble. =s

So today as usual, my dad dropped my younger sisters/pests at school and my mother at her college. So it was just me and my older sister...

I turned on the t.v. and was just gonna settle myself in bed when my sister appeared from nowhere and jumped in before I could even be surprised =@

...I mean WHAT THE HELL????

Now, you know what I did?? I sat down right in front of her and started flipping the channels. =) 

*genius* right?? ;p

I started watching a boooring current affairs show, not a word of which I understood. My sister, as stubborn as me, watched it willfully. I flipped some more and stopped at a music channel that played horrible songs. I pretended to enjoy it.

A few minutes later there was another shot of load-shedding =/  *annoying*

When dad came home, my sister bugged her head in her books, and said, "See dad?I'm tryna study here, and she's got the t.v. on!" Dad turned me out of the room and switched the t.v. off too =(

I strayed off in the balance in my cell phone...I was upset.

And this is just the start of the day...Wonder what's coming up in the hours to come!!

Yes, It Matters...

I remember...A dark figure, the frequent cluck-cluck of a walking stick as she made her way to the class room. The girls hushing quiet, standing up in perfect coordination and greeting her. No blacks strayed in her short, white hair. Her skirt was neat with not a wrinkle in sight. Her skin, badly aging. Voice like thunder, eyes of an eagle. That was Miss Williams.

She taught us phonics till grade three. She always required attention and perfection from the student, both of which I LACKED =D
I remember never listening to her instructions, and ending up saying "see=saaaw" instead of "se-saow" and "tthik" instead of a soft "thick". I remember failing in all the essays, and being reminded that my eyes weren't black, but "daaark brown". =/ and I used to think "Does it matter?"

I remember cutting up a permission form in half where there was drawn a scissors with a dotted line. I had handed in the parents' signature part to her, and had left the "instructions" portion home. I had got a serious and humiliating scolding from her, she said "I have to clip these in, why did you cut it?Now show me how to clip it!" and obviously there wasn't a single way I could...and I thought "Does it matter?"

Once she told us she was 85 years old. I could totally believe that. =D
She wasn't one of my favorite teachers, but she had inculcated in me what i myself could not have learned =D
She was devoted to her job and honest with her work.

*She never missed a class* =(

I remember...As she walked back to heaven, her gait was silent. Seeing her this time, the girls broke into soft tears. They stood up in perfect coordination and prayed. There was peace in the expression on her face. She is one of the Convent teachers who will be remembered.

Friday, 7 October 2011


*a soothing track taking you back to a past chapter in the diary of your life*