Tuesday 10 January 2012

Cutting Class...A Practice Students Never get Tired of

So I'm sitting here in the computer laboratory with my fingers warm. Somewhere in another world Dr. Tumnus (as I call him) is delivering a lecture on the highly complex system of nerves. The day is cold with the golden sun shining faintly from behind some bold clouds. =)


...though not quite sweet at all. =/
No matter how much you envy me for NOT being in class, you should also understand WHY. The "high-tech" and advanced computer laboratory is always suffering from a dangerous virus that harms everyone's USB's. =(

I'm glad I didn't bring mine =D ;p

Anyway, so the point is it's not always necessary that students who cut classes are jerks =| I've cut class for a "noble" purpose. =P

See? That's how clever students think.
The message of today is...Be like me. =)

Uh oh! The lab attendant is telling me to "get out of the lab"...so I better get going. Have a nice day! =)