Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Cutting Class...A Practice Students Never get Tired of

So I'm sitting here in the computer laboratory with my fingers warm. Somewhere in another world Dr. Tumnus (as I call him) is delivering a lecture on the highly complex system of nerves. The day is cold with the golden sun shining faintly from behind some bold clouds. =)


...though not quite sweet at all. =/
No matter how much you envy me for NOT being in class, you should also understand WHY. The "high-tech" and advanced computer laboratory is always suffering from a dangerous virus that harms everyone's USB's. =(

I'm glad I didn't bring mine =D ;p

Anyway, so the point is it's not always necessary that students who cut classes are jerks =| I've cut class for a "noble" purpose. =P

See? That's how clever students think.
The message of today is...Be like me. =)

Uh oh! The lab attendant is telling me to "get out of the lab"...so I better get going. Have a nice day! =)